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Project 9 notebook - page

Peace lies in finding the true war…
War is war perverted.
The problem is not the war but the perversion. And the perversion is a repression; war is sex perverted. “War is energy Enslav'd.”
Blake, Night IX, 152.
Cf. Frye, Fearful Symmetry, 262-263.


War is what happens to the weak, the impotent; so that they might at least be touched with lowest form of violence; or as the death decreed for those who run away from battle.

To stretch oneself to breaking point. [paraphrase of: Stretch yourself to the breaking point.]
No truth until it hurts.
“All truths are bloody truths for me.” Nietzsche.
We do not know the truth because we repress it; and we repress it because it is painful.
[Kaufman, Nietzsche, 68.]

Truth is not in safety or in the middle but in crucial ends. [Rilke].
Only the exaggerations are true.

“Unless we are born again we are not born at all. Nothing happens for the first time.” Newness is renewal: all life is life after death.

The sexual act is a historical drama. It is a symbolic resume of all the traumas in the history of the individual, the species, of life [itself].
The sundering of mother and child is the sundering of life from the sea out of which it arose.
The womb is the ocean – the penis the fish in water.

Knowledge is carnal knowledge, a copulation of subject and object, making these two one. Sex becomes not only an object of thought but in some sense an imaginative method of comprehension.

No word is metaphorical without it first being physical; and the body that is the meaning of all things is sexual. All metaphors are sexual. A penis in every convex object. A vagina in every concave one.
Sharpe: “Psycho-Physical Problems Revealed in Language: an examination of Metaphor.”


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