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Project 9 notebook - page

‘Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword:

The spermatic word, the word as seed.

The tongue was the first unruly member.
“In the beginning the serpent, getting possession of the ears of Eve, spread his poison through her whole body; today Mary through her ears received the champion of everlasting bliss.”
Jones. ‘The Madonna’s Conception through the ear.’

The little word “is” is the hallmark of Eros. As the little word “no” is the hallmark of Death.

The doctrine of the unconscious is a doctrine of the falseness of all words. ‘The name that can be named is not a permanent name.’

When silence
Blooms in the house, all the paraphernalia of our existence
Shed the twitterings of value and reappear as heraldic devices.
Duncan. Letters, XVII.

The world has no choice but to become invisible in us.
We seminate into the void. There is no ‘place’ for us to accept the mirror inside.
The introjected world. We are the womb and the penis.
Creation is in or out of the void.
“While alive
Be a dead man.”

“He who enters the kingdom of god must first enter his mother and die.”
Eilade. Paracelsus.


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